Do you have a role?Everyone has a role in life and many people are forced into a role.Really is it right?Example:being forced into a drug role.Everyone should have the freedom to do what ever they want and not be forced into a bad role.We should not have to accept the role we are given because it may not be what you want.
Hey, maybe you might like the role you are given .Great for you if it is ,but many do not have that experience.Maybe your a big brother and you have to be a role model for your brothers and sisters.Being a role model does not bother me.The thing that bothers me is people being forced in to something you don't want to be.That's why America is free.That's why we stay so strong as a country .But, many other countries are having problems because the people are being forced into someone there not.
I hope you agree with me and my opinion.But, you might have a stubborn little mind .Really have some heart.No, you should not be forced into anything PERIOD.Thank you .
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